Thursday, June 20, 2024

Traveling the East Coast Greenway, connecting with family, and resting some saddle sores!

 Day 7:

Day started well - took care of a lot of communication with various people and set off to get on the Airline North State Park Trail - part of the East Coast Greenway.  It started out a paved trail, became a fairly nice unpaved trail and degenerated into, in various sections, an eroded, rutted, muddy, sandy treacherous route unfit for loaded touring.  I think for the first time ever while touring, I had to dismount and walk my bike.  Impossible to make any kind of time. so once again, my intended destination was not to be.  Ended up at West Thompson Lake Campground.  Interestingly enough, a very close classmate from my days at the Air Force Academy lived right across the lake from the campground.  I was best man at his wedding at the church right across from the road into the campground.  He and his wife will be celebrating their 50 Anniversary of  that event next month.  Sent some pictures to them to bring back the memories.  Hope to make Boston tomorrow.  Only made 32 miles today.


Day 8:

Got a fairly early start, and after debating for a bit, I decided to follow the Southern New England Trunkline Trail, hoping it would be better than the Airline North State Park Trail.  I guess it probably was marginally better, but only marginally so.  A lot of it was pretty good, but parts were as earlier - rough, rutted, eroded or muddy.  My drivetrain is driving me nuts with constant squeaking.  I've lubricated the chain and the idler pulleys on the rear derailleur, tried increasing the tension on the rear derailleur cable and eyeballed the rear derailleur to see if it was out of alignment - all to no avail.  Weather-wise, one of the nicer days with temperatures in the 70s and a combination of sun and clouds through the day.  My aim was to reach my cousin, Reid Squier and his wife Andrea's home in Somerville, MA and after 61 miles riding with severe saddle sores, I made it.  Planning on staying a couple days for some R&R for me and those saddle sores.


Day 9:

Rainy, dreary morning, so I was glad I wasn't planning on going anywhere.  I called the bike shop in Hillsborough, NH where I believe I can get my electrical charging set-up fixed and found out they aren't open on the weekend - pretty unusual for a bike shop.  Since Hillsborough is too far to make tomorrow (Friday), I can't get any work done on my charging system until Monday, so I asked Reid and Andrea about staying a couple more days and they readily agreed.  My saddle sores and I were very happy.  Rain let up in the early afternoon, so I pedaled to a local bike shop to see if they could help with my squeaky chain.  The chain was basically silent all the way to the shop and they could find nothing they thought would be causing the squeaking.  Had some excellent pizza at the Avenue.


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